Monday, October 3, 2011


Memories are like butterflies in a Zen garden
 pen and ink and colored pencil
Sandra J. Pineault

Over a full year long ago I read and worked THE ARTIST'S WAY by Julia Cameron.
In  the little New England town where we lived, an eclectic group of artists:
poet, author, painters, glass artist, gathered in an Artist's Circle.
A magic time, it did not last.  I became ill with heart problems
and the glass artist with cancer. A poet could not work and I could
not paint.
Still we did do wonders together. I recall an evening dinner in a tent
deep in a sheep pasture sharing a "slow" meal over a fire while
lightning bugs lit the night. An exhibit we planned at our local library which
had offered us exhibit space based on illustrating our favorite poems, a great success.

Inspiration comes in all kinds of ways. It seems to be of one time, but
in reality, like the lightning bugs keeps on illuminating
our spirits.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Reminds me of a lot of the great contemporary illustration work that I never seem to be able to get enough of.


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